We welcome shooters of all skill levels and interests
You may join the club by attending any of the monthly meetings and bring a completed
membership application form. The monthly meetings
are held at 7:00pm on the second Thursday of each month (except the months of July and August
unless there is special business). If you wish to join during the summer months when there is no scheduled meeting,
contact our Membership Director.
Annual membership: $125 for individuals, $200 for families, due in May. There is no initiation fee or member endorsements or sponsorship required either. All you need to do is to meet us at one of our monthly meetings!
Please look over the club rules. There are general rules which govern all club activity. In addition, there are
rules specific to each of the ranges, and are set out on the facilities pages for the ranges.
We encourage but do not require membership in the NRA or any other shooting organization. See our
links list for convenient links to some of these organizations.
You will need to attend a range briefing before you will be issued a key to the indoor range. Please
contact the range officer for further details.